Locally Owned and OperatedWELCOME TO OUR COMPANY!

Dutch Hill Painting is your locally owned and operated choice for quality residential and commercial painting services. Our paint professionals make customer service their number one priority and will work with you from the estimating phase straight through to project completion ensuring that your projects stay on time and within budget. We understand that first impressions matter in your home or business space; so, we approach every job with professionalism and attention to detail. We utilize top quality materials and equipment and have the expertise needed to help make your vision a reality. Contact us today and discover the difference professional painting services can make!

Services we are offeringOUR SERVICES!

Residential Interior Painting

At Dutch Hill Painting, we undertake painting projects of every size and scope; but, with each project, the results are the same: a vibrant, eye-catching finish that you will want to showcase for years to come. Our commitment to quality and customer service defines our work, and we strive to consistently exceed your expectations.

We will partner with you every step along the way so that you can be confident in your results:

1) Expert consultation: our process begins by taking time to understand your vision. Then we will carefully inspect the area and make recommendations about the best way to proceed along with providing you estimates for the work required.

2) Color selection: let us help you determine the best tints, shades, tones and finishes for your project. We work with premium quality paints selected for durability and long lasting adhesion.

3) Surface preparation: our professionals take time to properly prepare all surfaces for flawless results.

4) Painting: at Dutch Hill Painting we employ a proven step-by-step process to ensure crisp lines, invisible seams and a premium finish.

5) Completion: our experts will work to keep your project on time, so that you can start enjoying the results. We look forward to exceeding your expectations! 

Picture perfect results are only a phone call away! Contact Dutch Hill today to find out how to get started.


Residential Exterior Painting

At Dutch Hill Painting, we undertake painting projects of every size and scope; but, with each project, the results are the same: a vibrant, eye-catching finish that you will want to showcase for years to come. Our commitment to quality and customer service defines our work, and we strive to consistently exceed your expectations.

We will partner with you every step along the way so that you can be confident in your results:

1) Expert consultation: our process begins by taking time to understand your vision. Then we will carefully inspect the area and make recommendations about the best way to proceed along with providing you estimates for the work required.

2) Color selection: let us help you determine the best tints, shades, tones and finishes for your project. We work with premium quality paints selected for durability and long lasting adhesion.

3) Surface preparation: our professionals take time to properly prepare all surfaces for flawless results.

4) Painting: at Dutch Hill Painting we employ a proven step-by-step process to ensure crisp lines, invisible seams and a premium finish.

5) Completion: our experts will work to keep your project on time, so that you can start enjoying the results. We look forward to exceeding your expectations! 

Picture perfect results are only a phone call away! Contact Dutch Hill today to find out how to get started.


Commercial Painting

At Dutch Hill Painting, we undertake painting projects of every size and scope; but, with each project, the results are the same: a vibrant, eye-catching finish that you will want to showcase for years to come. Our commitment to quality and customer service defines our work, and we strive to consistently exceed your expectations.

We will partner with you every step along the way so that you can be confident in your results:

1) Expert consultation: our process begins by taking time to understand your vision. Then we will carefully inspect the area and make recommendations about the best way to proceed along with providing you estimates for the work required.

2) Color selection: let us help you determine the best tints, shades, tones and finishes for your project. We work with premium quality paints selected for durability and long lasting adhesion.

3) Surface preparation: our professionals take time to properly prepare all surfaces for flawless results.

4) Painting: at Dutch Hill Painting we employ a proven step-by-step process to ensure crisp lines, invisible seams and a premium finish.

5) Completion: our experts will work to keep your project on time, so that you can start enjoying the results. We look forward to exceeding your expectations! 

Picture perfect results are only a phone call away! Contact Dutch Hill today to find out how to get started.
